From Pollution to Prosperity: It’s time for Oregon to transition from polluting energy to a clean energy economy. Our state is poised to reap the rewards of more jobs, clean air, and local, renewable energy if we put a cap and price on the pollution for the largest emitters, and reinvest in communities that need it most. The threat of climate change on Oregon farmers, families and communities requires urgent action.
From Pollution to Prosperity: It’s time for Oregon to transition from polluting energy to a clean energy economy. Our state is poised to reap the rewards of more jobs, clean air, and local, renewable energy if we put a cap and price on the pollution for the largest emitters, and reinvest in communities that need it most. The threat of climate change on Oregon farmers, families and communities requires urgent action.
Fall is almost here, and later this month at the Oregon State Capitol, our elected leaders begin Legislative Days with scheduled hearings on the next legislative session's top issues. The Clean Energy Jobs bill must remain a priority for discussion, and we urge all Oregonians to contact their legislators and urge the passage of the bill in 2019.